Hello, I’m Yuzu. It’s been a while since not going out, but significant change have come to our house.

My wife and son, who had been returning home from Kyushu from a pre-baby trip, came back. I’m sorry that this is a diary-like subject, but I hope you will go along with us.


PENTAX K-1 Mark II + smc PENTAX-FA 43mmF1.9 Limited   Aperture: F1.9; Shutter speed: 1/250; ISO sensitivity: 100; White balance: Cloudy; Custom Image:Muted


It is often said that a camera, especially an SLR, is too bulky to take out unless there is a special occasion, or that a smartphone is enough for casual photos. Of course, there are needs to be prioritized, so I think that makes sense.

However, I think everyone agrees that the camera is for capturing special moments. Especially SLR cameras, which you’ll want to use on such special occasions. We want the SLR to be used to capture things you care about, unforgettable moments, and special times during your daily life.

In the last few months, a new family member was added, but the awareness of new coronaviruses that grows stronger every day, made me think of the importance of life. These changes made me strongly care about capturing the irreplaceable moments during our daily life.


PENTAX K-1 Mark II + 85mm          Aperture: F1.4; Shutter speed: 1/250; ISO Sensitivity: 320; White balance: Cloudy; Custom image: Muted


Usually, it takes me two hours each way to get to the office, but lately, I have been working at home. I used to wake up at 6 am when my family is still asleep, but as I work from home, I have time with my family until just before my work starts at 9 am.


PENTAX K-1 Mark II + 85mm          Aperture: F1.4; Shutter speed: 1/200 ISO sensitivity: 640; White balance: Cloudy; Custom image: Muted


PENTAX K-1 Mark II + 85mm          Aperture: F1.4; Shutter speed: 1/200; ISO sensitivity: 640; White balance: Cloudy; Custom image: Muted


As we all know, children grow unbelievably fast. I try to make my precious and irreplaceable time as memorable as possible. For now, it’s just my father’s self-satisfaction.


PENTAX K-1 Mark II + 85mm           Aperture: F1.4; Shutter speed: 1/200 ISO sensitivity: 640; White balance: Auto; Custom image: Muted


PENTAX K-1 Mark II + HD PENTAX-D FA50mmF1.4 SDM AW   Aperture: F1.4; Shutter speed: 1/125; ISO sensitivity: 160; White balance: Auto; Custom image: Muted


From others, I think I’m probably the kind of father who is “all about holding the camera.” My colleagues often advise me to do housework and childcare as well. Of course, I try to do this cooperatively. Still, I do admit I am always carrying my camera even at home.

I use my camera at the scene and others might wonder why.  It is difficult to say whether you think the unusual scenes hidden in everyday life are a photo opportunity or not.


PENTAX K-1 Mark II + HD PENTAX-D FA50mmF1.4 SDM AW   Aperture: F1.4; Shutter speed: 1/125; ISO sensitivity: 800 White balance: Auto; Custom image: Muted


PENTAX K-1 Mark II + HD PENTAX-D FA50mmF1.4 SDM AW   Aperture: F1.4; Shutter speed: 1/125; ISO sensitivity: 1250; White balance: Auto; Custom image: Muted


I have my camera at my bedside, and when I wake up.  I take a picture of my child in his sleep. To immediately capture these kinds of scenes, the naked eye is suitable. That is why I have been living with my naked eyes; even my eyesight is not good since I started using the camera, which is more than ten years ago. I am living like this to avoid thinking about other things before pressing the shutter. If I were wearing my glasses, I would first find my glasses before capturing my sleeping child. Or if I was using contact lens, I might need to wash my face first or even brush my teeth… and so on. Well, daily life is an extension of these situations.

These days, I can no longer catch the screen of a meeting at work, so I wear glasses when I need them.

(As I was writing this, I realized that there might be a scene that I missed because I am not wearing glasses!)


PENTAX K-1 Mark II + 85mm          Aperture: F1.8; Shutter speed: 1/200; ISO sensitivity: 1000; White balance: Auto; Custom image: Muted


PENTAX K-1 Mark II + 85mm          Aperture: F1.4; Shutter speed: 1/200; ISO sensitivity: 2500; White balance: Auto; Custom image: Muted


There are many different ways of thinking about photography, and I believe that is the depth and interest of photography.

The reason I cherish family photos comes from my own childhood experiences.

I was raised by my father, as my mother passed away by illness at an early age. My father was a perfect man who ran a small advertising agency and did all the household chores for us. I still look up to him.

However, it is unfortunate that not so many “memories” or photos that remind us of those days do not remain.


PENTAX K-1 Mark II + 85mm          Aperture: F1.4 Shutter speed: 1/200; ISO sensitivity: 400; White balance: Cloudy; Custom image: Muted


Doesn’t looking back at your photos bring back memories of that time vividly? Even if the memory is vague, the picture becomes a key to bring back the memory and let us imagine the story before and after.

My childhood picture stopped at the age when things are unmemorable to me.

What I remember most is crying when I fell at the bathtub looking at a candy ball, and looking at the floating candy ball, which I was eating, beside me from above. (Maybe this is something different…?)


PENTAX K-1 Mark II + 85mm          Aperture: F1.4; Shutter speed: 1/200; ISO sensitivity: 400; White balance: Cloudy; Custom image: Muted


I tell my family that the reason I go around taking pictures is to express my love to them. My wife replies, “hmmm.” It looks like she couldn’t get it. LOL.

I guess I still haven’t earned the trust of my wife with my photography skills or outside of photography… So I must work on it.

Ultimately, the real value in these photos will come when I can no longer be around my kids, hypothetically (I know that’s going to happen). The relationship fell apart after some disagreements during the teens. When a child grows up and has a lifelong companion, I can imagine a lot of things, but I think that’s when it happens.

Photographs can seep out the feelings of the photographer. When the emotion of the viewer grows to a certain point, it will lead to a connection… It should be…

Of course, my family isn’t the only important thing.

I carefully frame the things I hold dear to my heart and release the shutter. Through this series of routines, you can realize what is important to you even more strongly.

Why not continue to take pictures of your “important things” in your daily life?

Common settings of image finishing for posted photos.
Custom image: Muted (Saturation: 0; Hue: Orange; Key adjustment: +1; Contrast: 0; Highlight adjustment: 0; Shadow adjustment: -4; Fine sharpness: -2) White balance: Cloudy

For detailed information of Custom image see here



Some of the photos were taken with the lens that was already announced. (Photos is a resized version of the one captured with the beta sample.)

These days, the camera is always with me like this.

>>>Announced lens